Conformément aux dispositions des articles 147 et 148 de la Constitution, la Cour des comptes est chargée d’assurer le contrôle supérieur de l’exécution des lois de finances.
Conformément aux dispositions des articles 147 et 148 de la Constitution, la Cour des comptes est chargée d’assurer le contrôle supérieur de l’exécution des lois de finances.
Résultats du concours de recrutement des rédacteurs judiciaires 4ème grade
Résultats du concours de recrutement des rédacteurs judiciaires 4ème grade
Madam the First President of the Court of Accounts, Zineb EL ADAOUI, received on Friday, January 20, 2023, Mr. Yap Abdou, President of the Chamber of Accounts of Cameroon, as part of a working visit he is making in Morocco during this period.
Madam the First President of the Court of Accounts, Zineb EL ADAOUI, received on Friday, January 20, 2023, Mr. Yap Abdou, President of the Chamber of Accounts of Cameroon, as part of a working visit he is making in Morocco during this period.
Madam the First President of the Court of Accounts, Zineb EL ADAOUI, received on Friday, January 20, 2023, Mr. Yap Abdou, President of the Chamber of Accounts of Cameroon, as part of a working visit he is making in Morocco during this period.
The Court of Accounts is taking part in the activities of the G20 Summit of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI20 Summit), being held in the Indian state of Goa (West) from June 12 to 14, with a delegation led by the First President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs Zineb El Adaoui.