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13 March 2023 | Event

The Court of Accounts and its Brazilian homologue strengthe their cooperation

La Cour des comptes et son homologue brésilienne veulent renforcer leur coopération

The First President of the Court of Accounts, Mrs. Zineb El Adaoui, received on Monday, March 13, 2023, Bruno Dantas, Minister-President of the Tribunal of Accounts of the Union of Brazil (TCU) and President of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), accompanied by a delegation including the Minister Mr. Jorge Oliveira, member of the Council of the Presidency of the TCU and the Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Morocco, Julio Glinternick Bitelli.

These talks focused on ways to strengthen cooperation between the two auditing bodies linked by a memorandum of understanding signed in Brazil in November 2022, on the sidelines of the holding in Rio de Janeiro of the 24th General Assembly of INTOSAI.

During this meeting, Mrs. El Adaoui gave an overview of the historical development of the exercise by the Court of Accounts of jurisdictional powers, highlighting the approach of control adopted by the financial jurisdictions and its characteristics combining between a complementarity and a balance in the distribution of its prerogatives. The two parties have stressed, to this end, the mission that falls to both institutions in terms of control and, where appropriate, sanction as well as in the field of anticipation and prevention, in addition to an educational role of high importance to improve public management, and thus meet the expectations of citizens and investors.

They have, moreover, expressed their interest in the necessary interaction with all the concerned stakeholders, in particular the citizens, reviewing some pioneering experiences at the international level of similar institutions that solicit the opinion of the citizens to plan their control missions.