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18 October 2017 |

Morocco EU the Launch of the twinning project Support to the Court of Auditors

The ceremony of the launch of the Morocco-EU Twinning project "Support to the Court of Auditors", initiated in partnership with the " The Court of Auditors of the French Republic and the National Audit Office of the United Kingdom was chaired by the first President of the Court of Auditors, Mr. Driss JETTOU.

This project, over the period 2017-2019, is of great importance as far as it takes place in the context of the strategic vision to make the Moroccan Court of Auditors a credible supreme institution of monitoring public finances, able to contribute significantly to the improvement of public management.

The twinning covers three areas: certification of government accounts, monitoring of the implementation of finance laws, and performance auditing and evaluation of programmes and public policies.

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